Little Alchemy Cheats From The Beginning Game

**Update Update** 10 more new elements available in the Candy Pack II. Sweet!
Little Alchemy Cheats From The Beginning Game
**Update** There are now special new elements in the desktop version of Little Alchemy. Download now!
For all you little alchemists out there here is a list of some combinations for the Little Alchemy App. These elements are in order meaning if you follow this order, you will get all the elements in the game!
Starting Elements:

Little Alchemy 2 Cheats


Alchemy Game Cheats List

Little Alchemy Cheats: Getting Started Cheats for Little Alchemy: First Overview. Little Alchemy is a very simple, interesting and light game. The game was released a few years ago, and it is now very popular.

To play the Little Alchemy game app: Click Here. These are all the combinations that I have found so far in the little alchemy game. If you have more that you want to add, please like the Facebook page above, and comment on this post! Cheats and hacks for Little Alchemy 2 are the best way to make the game easier for free. These cheats work best for Little Alchemy 2 and allow you to unlock bundle of 2 research points or any other in-app purchase and get you unlimited resources. On our list you can find all available Little Alchemy 2 hacks that work for all in-game items.

You can also now download and play Little Alchemy on your desktop for free!
Combine these elements to get the following elements! It is best to follow this order!
  1. Water + Water = Sea
  2. Water + Sea = Ocean
  3. Water + Fire = Steam
  4. Water + Earth = Mud
  5. Water + Air = Rain
  6. Fire + Earth = Lava
  7. Fire + Air = Energy
  8. Fire + Mud = Brick
  9. Earth + Earth = Pressure
  10. Earth + Air = Dust
  11. Earth + Steam = Geyser
  12. Earth + Rain = Plant
  13. Earth + Plant = Grass
  14. Earth + Lava = Volcano
  15. Earth + Energy = Earthquake
  16. Earth + Earthquake = Mountain
  17. Fire + Dust = Gunpowder
  18. Fire + Plant = Tobacco
  19. Fire + Gunpowder = Explosion
  20. Air + Air = Pressure
  21. Air + Steam = Cloud
  22. Air + Lava = Stone
  23. Air + Pressure = Wind and Atmosphere
  24. Air + Cloud = Sky
  25. Air + Stone = Sand
  26. Sea + Wind = Wave
  27. Sea + Plant = Seaweed and Algae
  28. Sea + Sky = Horizon
  29. Sea + Sand = Beach
  30. Ocean + Wind = Wave
  31. Ocean + Plant = Seaweed and Algae
  32. Ocean + Volcano = Isle
  33. Ocean + Earthquake = Tsunami
  34. Ocean + Sky = Horizon
  35. Ocean + Sand = Beach
  36. Mud + Plant = Swamp
  37. Mud + Sand = Clay
  38. Rain + Rain = Flood
  39. Energy + Wind = Hurricane
  40. Energy + Volcano = Eruption and Ash
  41. Energy + Cloud = Storm
  42. Energy + Swamp = Life
  43. Pressure + Plant = Coal
  44. Pressure + Coal = Diamond
  45. Wind + Sand = Dune (Wind + Beach = Dune)
  46. Dust + Fire = Gunpowder
  47. Plant + Water = Algae
  48. Plant + Fire = Tobacco
  49. Plant + Earth = Grass
  50. Plant + Sea = Seaweed and Algae
  51. Plant + Plant = Garden
  52. Plant + Sand = Cactus
  53. Plant + Grass = Garden
  54. Cloud + Earth = Fog
  55. Cloud + Air = Sky
  56. Cloud + Energy = Storm
  57. Stone + Fire = Metal
  58. Stone + Air = Sand
  59. Stone + Life = Egg
  60. Stone + Metal = Blade
  61. Sky + Fire = Sun
  62. Sky + Life = Bird
  63. Sky + Egg = Bird
  64. Sand + Fire = Glass
  65. Sand + Sand = Desert
  66. Sand + Egg = Turtle
  67. Sand + Glass = Time and Hourglass
  68. Isle + Isle = Archipelago
  69. Swamp + Life = Bacteria
  70. Swamp + Egg = Lizard
  71. Swamp + Lizard = Alligator
  72. Clay + Fire = Pottery and Brick
  73. Clay + Life = Golem
  74. Life + Water = Plankton
  75. Life + Earth = Human
  76. Coal + Metal = Steel
  77. Coal + Time = Diamond
  78. Gunpowder + Fire = Explosion
  79. Gunpowder + Metal = Bullet
  80. Grass + Blade = Scythe
  81. Grass + Scythe = Hay
  82. Metal + Air = Rust
  83. Metal + Steam = Boiler
  84. Metal + Energy = Electricity
  85. Metal + Bird = Airplane
  86. Metal + Blade = Sword
  87. Metal + Glass = Glasses
  88. Metal + Human = Tool
  89. Metal + Explosion = Grenade
  90. Metal + Bullet = Gun
  91. Metal + Electricity = Wire
  92. Metal + Tool = Armor
  93. Egg + Water = Hard Roe
  94. Egg + Fire = Omlette
  95. Egg + Air = Bird
  96. Blade + Gun = Bayonet
  97. Sun + Sea = Salt
  98. Sun + Mud = Brick
  99. Sun + Rain = Rainbow
  100. Sun + Plant = Sunflower
  101. Sun + Time = Day
  102. Sun + Tool = Solar Cell
  103. Sun + Solar Cell = Electricity
  104. Bird + Water = Duck
  105. Bird + Fire = Phoenix
  106. Bird + Human = Angel
  107. Glass + Water = Aquarium
  108. Glass + Plant = Greenhouse
  109. Glass + Electricity = Light Bulb
  110. Time + Rain = Flood
  111. Time + Plant = Tree
  112. Time + Coal = Diamond
  113. Time + Lizard = Dinosaur
  114. Time + Electricity = Clock
  115. Time + Hard Roe = Fish
  116. Lizard + Fire = Dragon
  117. Human + Fire = Fireman
  118. Human + Rain = Cold and Sickness
  119. Human + Brick = House
  120. Human + Dust = Allergy
  121. Human + Plant = Farmer
  122. Human + Blade = Blood
  123. Human + Human = Sex
  124. Human + Electricity = Electrician
  125. Human + Sword = Warrior
  126. Human + Glasses = Nerd
  127. Human + Tool = Engineer
  128. Human + Gun = Corpse
  129. Human + Armor = Knight
  130. Human + Hard Roe = Caviar
  131. Human + Sickness = Sickness and Sickness
  132. Human + House = Family
  133. Steel + Blade = Sword
  134. Explosion + Energy = Atom Bomb
  135. Explosion + Sky = Fireworks
  136. Tool + Earth = Field
  137. Tool + Tree = Wood
  138. Tool + Wood = Wheel
  139. Tool + Boiler = Steam Engine
  140. Wood + Pressure = Paper
  141. Wood + Fire = Charcoal, Smoke, and Campire
  142. Wood + Tobacco = Pipe
  143. Wood + Water = Boat
  144. Wood + Wheel = Cart
  145. Wood + Corpse = Coffin
  146. Wood + Wind = Flute
  147. Wheel + Wheel = Bicycle
  148. Wheel + Metal = Car
  149. Coffin + Earth = Grave
  150. Grave + Grave = Graveyard
  151. Grave + Stone = Gravestone
  152. Corpse + Life = Zombie
  153. Zombie + Electricity = Frankenstein
  154. Life + Forest = Wild Animal
  155. Wild Animal + Wire = Snake
  156. Wild Animal + Human = Livestock and Dog
  157. Wild Animal + Wood = Beaver
  158. Cold + Water = Ice
  159. Cold + Rain = Snow
  160. Ice + Rain = Hail
  161. Ice + Mountain = Iceberg
  162. Ice + Wild Animal = Penguin
  163. Snow + Desert = Antartica
  164. Snow + Storm = Blizzard
  165. Snow + Human = Snowman
  166. Paper + Paper = Newspaper
  167. Blade + Wood = Axe
  168. Tree + Tree = Forest
  169. Farmer + Field = Wheat
  170. Farmer + Tree = Fruit
  171. Farmer + Life = Livestock
  172. Livestock + Grass = Cow
  173. Livestock + House = Barn
  174. Livestock + Bird = Chicken
  175. Livestock + Hay = Horse
  176. Livestock + Mud = Pig
  177. Cow + Tool = Meat
  178. Cow + Farmer = Milk
  179. Fruit + Time = Alcohol
  180. Fruit + Tree = Fruit Tree
  181. Fruit Tree + Fruit Tree = Orchard
  182. Water + Pipe = Water Pipe
  183. Wheat + Stone = Flour
  184. Flour + Water = Dough
  185. Dough + Fire = Bread
  186. Fire + Bread = Toast
  187. Milk + Time = Cheese
  188. Cheese + Sky = Moon
  189. Moon + Human = Astronaut
  190. Moon + Time = Night
  191. Night + Day = Twilight
  192. Moon + Sea = Tides
  193. Night + Bird = Owl
  194. Moon + Sun = Eclipse
  195. Night + Sky = Star
  196. House + Sickness = Hospital
  197. Human + Hospital = Doctor
  198. House + Bird = Birdhouse
  199. House + Wind = Windmill
  200. Clock + Sun = Sundial
  201. Clock + Bird = Cuckoo
  202. Tree + Light bulb = Christmas Tree
  203. Tree + Isle = Palm
  204. Human + Meat = Butcher
  205. Human + Axe = Lumberjack
  206. Human + Bicycle = Cyclist
  207. Knight + Dragon = Hero
  208. Boat + Steam Engine = Steam Boat
  209. Boat + Wind = Sailboat
  210. Steam Engine + Steel = Train
  211. Rainbow + Rainbow = Double Rainbow
  212. Rain + Smoke = Acid Rain
  213. Milk + Ice = Ice Cream
  214. Bread + Cheese = Sandwich
  215. Dough + Fruit = Cookie
  216. Meat + Smoke = Ham
  217. Sunflower + Pressure = Oil
  218. Fish + Electricity = Electric Eel
  219. Horse + Cart = Wagon
  220. Campfire + House = Fireplace
  221. Axe + Electricity = Chainsaw
  222. Sea + Sickness = Seasickness
  223. Light Bulb + Electricity = Light
Thanks to all who have contributed to this post! This list would not be complete without you guys! Post on your favorite elements from the game!
Have fun!
You can also now download and play Little Alchemy on your desktop for free!

Little Alchemy is one of the simplest and most addicting games out there — you just need to add two ‘elements’ together to create a third. But with 560 possible elements, Little Alchemy gets trickier the further you get. Luckily, we’ve got all the Little Alchemy cheats and tips you could need, including the full Little Alchemy list of answers.
Some Little Alchemy combinations are pretty easy to figure out. For example, if you combine two of your four original basic elements, fire and water, you’ll get steam. Finding out how to create a story in Little Alchemy? A tougher task. Little Alchemy will keep you occupied for longer than you may originally think, especially if you don’t take advantage of any Little Alchemy cheats.

If you’re looking for a full Little Alchemy cheat sheet, you’re covered with our Little Alchemy list, found below. Whether you’re just stuck on finding one key element, like life, or you want a few big hints, you’ll find your needed Little Alchemy guide here.

Little Alchemy Cheats From The Beginning Game Free

Remember that most Little Alchemy combinations are fairly logical. If you know of a basic item in life, try to think of the two things that make it up. What’s on a beach? Water and sand, and that’s how you’ll make a beach in Little Alchemy. Some of the Little Alchemy cheats may be tougher than you think — to make something like Life, an essential building block of the game, you’ll need to make a few other Little Alchemy combos first.

Check out our Little Alchemy cheats and tips if you get stuck while playing.

Little Alchemy Cheats Contents

Little Alchemy Cheat Sheet A To Z


Acid RainRain and Smoke
AirOriginal Element
AirplaneMetal and Bird
Alarm ClockSound and Clock
AlcoholTime and Fruit
AlgaeWater and Plant
AlienSpace and Life
AllergyDust and Human
AlligatorSwamp and Lizard
AlpacaMountain and Sheep
AmbulanceHospital and Car
AngelBird and Human
AnglerHuman and Fishing Rod
AntGrass and Wild Animal, Sugar and Wild Animal
AntarcticaDesert and Snow
AquariumWater and Glass
ArchipelagoIsle and Isle
ArmadilloWild Animal and Armor
ArmorMetal and Tool
AshEnergy and Volcano
AstronautHuman and Moon
Astronaut IcecreamAstronaut and Ice Cream
AuroraAntarctica and Sun, Antarctica and Sky, Antarctica and Atmosphere
AtmosphereAir and Pressure
Atomic BombEnergy and Explosion
Atomic FireballsAtomic Bomb and Fire
AvalancheEnergy and Snow
AxeBlade and Wood
BaconFire and Pig
BacteriaSwamp and Life
BakerHuman and Bread
BakeryHouse and Baker
BananaMonkey and Fruit
Banana BreadBread and Banana
BandageBlood and Fabric
BankHouse and Gold, House and Money
BarnHouse and Livestock
BatSky and Mouse
BatmanBat and Human
BatterFlour and Milk
BayonetBlade and Gun
BBQCampfire and Meat, Garden
BeachWater and Sand
BeaverWild Animal and Wood
BeeFlour and Wild Animal
BeehiveHouse and Bee
BeerAlcohol and Wheat
BicycleWheel and Wheel
BirdSky and Egg
BirdhouseBird and House
Black HoleStar and Pressure
BladeStone and Metal
BlenderBlade and Glass, Blade and Electricity
BlizzardSnow and Wind
BloodHuman and Blade
BoatWater and Wood
BoilerMetal and Steam
BoneTime and Corpse
Bonsai TreePottery and Tree, Scissors and Tree
BookPaper and Wood
BreadFire and Dough
BrickFire and Mud
BridgeRiver and Wood
BroomWood and Hay
BulletGunpowder and Metal
Bulletproof VestArmor and Bullet
BusCar and Car
ButcherHuman and Meat
ButterMilk and Pressure
ButterflyFlower and Wild Animal
CactusPlant and Sand
Cadbury EggsChocolate and Egg
CakeDough and Candle
CamelDesert and Wild Animal
CampfireFire and Wood
CandleFire and Wax
Candy CaneSugar and Christmas Tree
CannonGunpowder and Pirate Ship, Castle
CarMetal and Wheel
CaramelFire and Sugar
CarameloChocolate and Caramel
Caramel AppleOrchard and Caramel
Carbon DioxideHuman and Oxygen
CarrotSnowman and Vegetable, Sun and Snowman
CartWood and Wheel
CashmereMountain Goat and Fabric, Scissors and Thread, Tool and Wool
CastleKnight and House
CatWild Animal and Milk
CatnipCat and Plant
CauldronWitch and Metal, Witch and Steel, Witch and Campfire, Witch and Fireplace
CaviarHuman and Hard Roe
CentaurHuman and Horse
CerealMilk and Wheat
ChainMetal and Rope, Steel and Rope
ChainsawElectricity and Axe
ChameleonRainbow and Lizard
CharcoalFire and Wood
CheeseTime and Milk
CheeseburgerHamburger and Cheese
ChickenBird and Livestock
Chicken SoupChicken and Water
Chicken WingChicken and Bone
ChimneyHouse and Fireplace
ChocolateWilly Wonka and River
Chocolate MilkChocolate and Milk
Christmas StockingFireplace and Wool
Christmas TreeLight bulb and Tree
CigarettePaper and Tobacco
CityVillage and Village
ClayMud and Sand
ClockElectricity and Time
CloudAir and Steam
CoalPlant and Pressure
CoconutPalm and Fruit
Coconut MilkCoconut and Tool
CoffinWood and Corpse
ColdRain and Human
ComputerNerd and Tool
Computer MouseComputer and Mouse
ConfettiPaper and Blade, Scissors
ConstellationStar and Star
CookieSugar and Dough
Cookie DoughCookie and Dough
CorpseHuman and Gun
CottonCloud and Plant
Cotton CandySugar and Electricity
CowLivestock and Grass
CrayonRainbow and Wax, Rainbow and Pencil
CrowBird and Scarecrow, Field
Crystal BallGlass and Witch
CuckooClock and Bird
CyborgHuman and Robot
CyclistHuman and Bicycle
Darth VaderJedi and Fire
DaySun and Time
DesertSand and Sand
DewGrass and Fog
DiamondCoal and Pressure
DinosaurTime and Lizard
DoctorHospital and Human
DogWild Animal and Human
DogeDog and Internet, Dog and Computer
DoghouseDog and House
Don QuixoteWindmill and Knight
DonutDough and Oil
Double Rainbow!Rainbow and Rainbow
DoughWater and Flour
DragonFire and Lizard
DroneAirplane and Robot
DrumLeather and Wood
DrunkHuman and Alcohol
Dry IceCarbon Dioxide and Cold
DuckWater and Bird
DuneBeach and Wind
DustEarth and Air
DynamiteWire and Gunpowder
EagleMountain and Bird
EarthOriginal Element
EarthquakeEnergy and Earth
EclipseSun and Moon
EggStone and Life
Egg TimerEgg and Clock
Electric CarElectricity and Car
Electric EelElectricity and Fish
ElectricianElectricity and Human
ElectricityEnergy and Metal
EmailLetter and Computer
EnergyFire and Air
EngineerHuman and Tool
EruptionEnergy and Volcano
ExplosionFire and Gunpowder
ExcaliburStone and Sword
FabricThread and Tool
Fairy TaleStory and Monarch, Story and Castle, Story and Knight, Story and Dragon
FamilyHuman and House
Family TreeFamily and Tree
FarmFarmer and House, Barn
FarmerHuman and Field
FaunHuman and Goat
FenceWood and Wall
FieldEarth and Tool
FireOriginal Element
Fire ExtinguisherFire and Carbon Dioxide, Fire and Pressure, Fire and Metal
FiremanFire and Human
FireplaceCampfire and House
FiretruckFireman and Car
FireworksSky and Explosion
FishTime and Hard Roe
Fishing RodFish and Tool, Wood
FlamethrowerFire and Gun
FlashlightTool and Light
FloodRain and Rain
FlourStone and Wheat
FlowerPlant and Garden
FluteWind and Wood
Flying FishBird and Fish
Flying SquirrelBird and Squirrel
FogCloud and Earth
ForestTree and Tree
Fortune CookieCookie and Paper
FossilDinosaur and Earth
FountainStatue and Water
FoxChicken and Wild Animal
FrankensteinElectricity and Corpse
French FriesOil and Vegetable
FridgeMetal and Cold
FrogWild Animal and Pond
Frozen YogurtCold and Yogurt
FruitTree and Farmer
Fruit TreeFruit and Tree
Fun DipSugar and Sand
GalaxyStar and Star
GardenPlant and Grass
GardenerGarden and Human
GeyserEarth and Steam
GhostGraveyard and Night
GiftSanta and Chimney
Gingerbread HouseHouse and Dough, House and Gingerbread Man
Gingerbread ManDough and Life
GlacierIce and Mountain
GlassElectricity and Sand
GlassesGlass and Metal
GlasshousePlant and Glass
GoatLivestock and Mountain
GodzillaDinosaur and City
GoldSun and Metal
GoldfishFish and Cheese
GnomeGarden and Statue
GolemLife and Clay
GraniteLava and Pressure
GrassEarth and Plant
GraveEarth and Corpse
GravestoneStone and Grave
GraveyardGrave and Grave
Green HousePlant and Glass
GrenadeExplosion and Metal
Grilled CheeseCheese and Toast
Grim ReaperScythe and Human
Guiness FloatBeer and Ice Cream
GunMetal and Bullet
GunpowderFire and Dust
HailCloud and Ice
HamMeat and Smoke
HamburgerMeat and Bread
HammerMetal and Wood
HamsterWheel and Mouse
Hard RoeWater and Egg
HarpAngel and Music
HayScythe and Grass
Hay BaleHay and Hay
HedgeLeaf and Fence, Plant and Fence
HelicopterAirplane and Blade
HeroDragon and Knight
HippoHorse and River
HoneyBee and Flower
HorizonSky and Ocean
HorseHay and Livestock
HorseshoeHorse and Metal
HospitalSickness and House
HourglassSand and Glass
HouseBrick and Human
HumanEarth and Life
HummingbirdFlower and Bird
HurricaneEnergy and Wind
HuskySnow and Dog, Ice and Dog
IceWater and Cold
Ice CreamCold and Milk
Ice Cream TruckIce Cream and Car
IcebergSea and Ice
Iced TeaIce and Tea
IdeaLight Bulb and Human
IglooIce and House
InternetComputer and Computer
IsleVolcano and Ocean
IvyPlant and Wall
Jack-O-LanternFire and Pumpkin
JamFruit and Sugar
JediLightsaber and Human
JerkyMeat and Sun, Meat and Salt
JuicePressure and Fruit
Juicy FruitJuice and Fruit
Keyboard CatCat and Music
KingHuman and Castle, Excalibur
KitePaper and Wind
KnightArmor and Human
LakeWater and Pond, River and Dam
LampLight bulb and Metal
LassoHorse, Cow and Rope
Lawn MowerTool and Grass
LavaFire and Earth
Lava LampLava and Lamp
LeafTree and Wind
LeatherBlade and Cow
LemonadeWater and Fruit
LetterPaper and Pencil
LifeEnergy and Swamp
LightElectricity and Light bulb
Light BulbElectricity and Glass
LighthouseLight and Ocean
LightsaberEnergy and Sword
LionCat and Wild Animal
LivestockLife and Farmer
LizardSwamp and Egg
Log CabinWood and House
LoveHuman and Human
LumberjackHuman and Axe
Mac And CheeseCheese and Pasta
MailmanLetter and Human
ManateeCow and Sea
MapPaper and Earth
MarsRust and Planet
MarshmallowSugar and Campfire
MayonnaiseEgg and Oil
MeatTool and Cow
MedusaHuman and Snake
MermaidHuman and Fish
MetalFire and Stone
MeteorAtmosphere and Meteoroid
MeteoroidStone and Space
MicroscopeBacteria and Glasses, Bacteria and Glass
MilkFarmer and Cow
Milk ShakeMilk and Ice Cream
Milky WayMilk and Space
MinotaurCow and Human
MirrorGlass and Metal
MoldBread and Time
MoneyPaper and Gold
MonkeyWild Animal and Tree
MoonSky and Cheese
MossPlant and Stone
MothButterfly and Night, Butterfly and Moon
MotorcycleBicycle and Energy
MountainEarthquake and Earth
Mountain GoatMountain and Goat, Mountain Range and Goat
Mountain RangeMountain and Mountain
MoundsChocolate and Coconut
MouseWild Animal and Cheese
MousetrapCheese and Wood
MudWater and Earth
MummyPyramid and Corpse
MusicSound and Human
NarwhalOcean and Unicorn
NeedleHay and Metal
NerdGlasses and Human
NerdsSugar and Nerd
NessieStory and Lake
NestBird and Tree
NewspaperPaper and Paper
NightTime and Moon
NinjaHuman and Shuriken
Ninja TurtleTurtle and Ninja
OasisWater and Desert
ObsidianWater and Lava
OceanWater and Sea
OilSunflower and Pressure
OmeletteFire and Egg
Optical FiberWire and Light
OrchardFruit Tree and Fruit Tree
OrigamiBird and Paper
OstrichBird and Earth
OwlNight and Bird
OxygenSun and Plant
OzoneOxygen and Oxygen
PaintWater and Rainbow, Water and Pencil
PalmIsle and Tree
PaperWood and Pressure
Paper AirplanePaper and Airplane
ParachutePilot and Umbrella,
ParachutePilot and Fabric
ParrotPirate and Bird
PastaEgg and Flour
PeacockBird and Rainbow
PeepsSugar and Chicken
PegasusHorse and Bird
Pencil SharpenerBlade and Pencil
PerfumeRose, Flower and Water, Alcohol, Steam
PetroleumFossil and Pressure, Time
PencilCharcoal and Wood
PenguinIce and Bird
PenicillinDoctor and Mold
PhoenixFire and Bird
PicnicSandwich and Grass
PieDough and Fruit
PigMud and Livestock
Piggy BankPig and Pottery, Pig and Money
PigeonLetter and Bird
PilotAirplane and Human
PitchforkTool and Hay
PinocchioLife and Wood
PipeWood and Tobacco
PiranhaPirate and Boat
PirateSword and Sailor
Pirate ShipPirate and Boat
PizzaCheese and Dough
PlanetEarth and Space
PlanktonWater and Life
PlantRain and Earth
PlatypusDuck and Beaver
PokkiComputer and Squirrel
PondWater and Garden
Pop RocksStone and Explosion
PopsicleIce and Juice
PotteryFire and Clay
PressureEarth and Earth
PrinterComputer and Paper
PrismGlass and Rainbow
PterodactylDinosaur and Bird, Dinosaur and Air
PuddleSnowman and Sun, Snowman and Flamethrower, Sunand Ice
PumpkinVegetable and Fire, Light
PyramidDesert and Stone
QuicksandSand and Swamp
RainWater and Air
RainbowSun and Rain
RatWild Animal and Sailboat
RecipeFlour and Paper, Baker and Paper
Red VinesSugar and Wire
ReindeerSanta and Wild Animal
RingDiamond and Metal
Ring PopDiamond and Sugar
RiverWater and Mountain
RobotMetal and Life
RocketAirplane and Space
Roller CoasterMountain and Cart, Mountain and Train
RoombaRobot and Vacuum Cleaner
RopeThread and Thread
RoseLove and Plant
RuinsTime and Castle
RulerWood and Pencil
RustAir and Metal
RVHouse and Car
SaddleHorse and Leather
SafeGold, Money and Metal and Steel
Safety GlassesGlasses and Engineer, Glasses and Explosion
SailboatWind and Boat
SailorHuman and Boat
SaltSun and Ocean
SandStone and Air
Sand CastleSand and Castle
SandpaperSand and Paper
SandstoneSand and Stone
SandstormEnergy and Sand
SandwichBread and Ham
SantaHuman and Christmas Tree
ScalpelDoctor and Blade
ScarecrowHuman and Hay
ScissorsBlade and Blade
ScorpionWild Animal and Dune
ScytheBlade and Grass
SeaWater and Water
SeagullBeach and Bird
SeahorseHorse and Ocean
SealDog and Sea
SeaplaneSea and Plane
SeasicknessSickness and Sea
SeaweedPlant and Ocean
Sewing MachineElectricity and Needle,
Sewing MachineRobot and Needle
SharkBlood and Ocean
SheepCloud and Livestock
Sheet MusicMusic and Paper
ShurikenStar and Blade
SicknessRain and Human
SkateboardSnowboard and Wheel
SkeletonTime and Corpse
Ski GogglesSnow and Glasses
SkittlesRainbow and Sugar
SkyCloud and Air
SkyscraperSky and House
SledgeSnow and Cart
SlothWild Animal and Time
SmogFog and Smoke
SmokeFire and Wood
Smoke SignalFabric and Campfire, Fabric and Smoke
SmoothieFruit and Blender
SnakeWire and Wild Animal
SnowRain and Cold
SnowballHuman and Snow
SnowboardSnow and Wood
Snow GlobeSnow and Crystal Ball
SnowmanSnow and Human
SnowmobileCold and Car, Snow and Motorcycle
SoapAsh and Oil
SodaJuice and Carbon Dioxide, Water and Carbon Dioxide
Solar CellSun and Tool
Solar SystemSun and Planet
SoundWave and Air
SpaceStar and Sky
SpaceshipAstronaut and Airplane
SpiderWild Animal and Thread
SpaceStationHouse and Space
SphinxHuman and Lion
SprinklesConfetti and Sugar
SquirrelMouse and Tree
StarNight and Sky
StarburstRocket and Fruit
StarfishStar and Fish
StatueStone and Tool
SteakMeat and BBQ
SteamWater and Fire
Steam EngineBoiler and Tool
SteamboatWater and Steam Engine
SteelCoal and Metal
Steel WoolWire and Wool, Steel and Wool
StethoscopeTool and Doctor
StoneAir and Lava
StormEnergy and Cloud
StoryHuman and Campfire
SugarEnergy and Juice
SunFire and Sky
SundialSun and Clock
SunflowerSun and Plant
SunglassesSun and Glasses
Super NovaStar and Explosive
SurferWave and Human
SushiSeaweed and Caviar
SwampMud and Plant
SweaterWool and Tool
Swedish FishFish and Sugar
SweetheartsLove and Sugar
Swim GogglesWater and Glasses
SwimmerHuman and Swim Goggles
SwordMetal and Blade
SwordfishSword and Fish
TankCar and Gun
TaserGun and Electricity
TeaWater and Leaf
TelescopeSky and Glass
TentFabric and Wood, Fabric and House
The One RingVolcano and Ring
ThreadCotton and Tool
TideMoon and Sea
TimeSand and Glass
TitanicSteamboat and Iceberg
ToastFire and Sandwich
TobaccoFire and Plant
ToolMetal and Human
ToucanBird and Rainbow
TractorCar and Farmer, Car and Field
TrainSteel and Steam Engine
TreasureTreasure Map and Pirate
Treasure MapPirate and Map
TreePlant and Time
TreehouseTree and House
Trojan HorseWood and Horse
TsunamiEarthquake and Ocean
TunnelEngineer and Mountain
TurtleSand and Egg
TwilightDay and Night
TwixCaramelo and Cookie
Tyrannosaurus RexMeat and Dinosaur
UFOAlien and Airplane
UmbrellaRain and Tool
UnicornDouble Rainbow! and Life
Vacuum CleanerElectricity and Broom
VampireBlood and Human
VasePlant and Pottery
VegetableFruit and Field
VillageHouse and House
VolcanoEarth and Lava
VultureBird and Corpse
WagonHorse and Cart
WallBrick and Brick
WandWizard and Wood
WarriorSword and Human
WatchHuman and Clock
WaterOriginal Element
WaterfallMountain and River
Water GunWater and Gun
Water LillyFlower and Pond
Water PipeWater and Pipe
WaveWind and Sea
WaxBee and Beehive
WebSpider and Thread
WerewolfWolf and Human
WheatField and Farmer
WheelTool and Wood
Wild AnimalLife and Forest
Wild BoarPig and Wild Animal
Willy WonkaEngineer and Sugar
WindAir and Pressure
Wind TurbineWindmill and Electricity
WindmillWind and House
WineAlcohol and Fruit
WireElectricity and Metal
WitchWizard and Broom
WizardHuman and Energy
WolfWild Animal and Moon
WoodTree and Tool
WoodpeckerBird and Wood
WoolSheep and Tool
Wrapping PaperGift and Paper
YodaJedi and Swamp
YogurtBacteria and Milk
ZombieLife and Corpse

Little Alchemy The Game

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