- Little Alchemy 2 Cheats
- Alchemy Game Cheats List
- Little Alchemy Cheats From The Beginning Game Free
- Little Alchemy Cheat Sheet A To Z
- Little Alchemy The Game
Little Alchemy 2 Cheats
Alchemy Game Cheats List
Little Alchemy Cheats: Getting Started Cheats for Little Alchemy: First Overview. Little Alchemy is a very simple, interesting and light game. The game was released a few years ago, and it is now very popular.
To play the Little Alchemy game app: Click Here. These are all the combinations that I have found so far in the little alchemy game. If you have more that you want to add, please like the Facebook page above, and comment on this post! Cheats and hacks for Little Alchemy 2 are the best way to make the game easier for free. These cheats work best for Little Alchemy 2 and allow you to unlock bundle of 2 research points or any other in-app purchase and get you unlimited resources. On our list you can find all available Little Alchemy 2 hacks that work for all in-game items.
- Water + Water = Sea
- Water + Sea = Ocean
- Water + Fire = Steam
- Water + Earth = Mud
- Water + Air = Rain
- Fire + Earth = Lava
- Fire + Air = Energy
- Fire + Mud = Brick
- Earth + Earth = Pressure
- Earth + Air = Dust
- Earth + Steam = Geyser
- Earth + Rain = Plant
- Earth + Plant = Grass
- Earth + Lava = Volcano
- Earth + Energy = Earthquake
- Earth + Earthquake = Mountain
- Fire + Dust = Gunpowder
- Fire + Plant = Tobacco
- Fire + Gunpowder = Explosion
- Air + Air = Pressure
- Air + Steam = Cloud
- Air + Lava = Stone
- Air + Pressure = Wind and Atmosphere
- Air + Cloud = Sky
- Air + Stone = Sand
- Sea + Wind = Wave
- Sea + Plant = Seaweed and Algae
- Sea + Sky = Horizon
- Sea + Sand = Beach
- Ocean + Wind = Wave
- Ocean + Plant = Seaweed and Algae
- Ocean + Volcano = Isle
- Ocean + Earthquake = Tsunami
- Ocean + Sky = Horizon
- Ocean + Sand = Beach
- Mud + Plant = Swamp
- Mud + Sand = Clay
- Rain + Rain = Flood
- Energy + Wind = Hurricane
- Energy + Volcano = Eruption and Ash
- Energy + Cloud = Storm
- Energy + Swamp = Life
- Pressure + Plant = Coal
- Pressure + Coal = Diamond
- Wind + Sand = Dune (Wind + Beach = Dune)
- Dust + Fire = Gunpowder
- Plant + Water = Algae
- Plant + Fire = Tobacco
- Plant + Earth = Grass
- Plant + Sea = Seaweed and Algae
- Plant + Plant = Garden
- Plant + Sand = Cactus
- Plant + Grass = Garden
- Cloud + Earth = Fog
- Cloud + Air = Sky
- Cloud + Energy = Storm
- Stone + Fire = Metal
- Stone + Air = Sand
- Stone + Life = Egg
- Stone + Metal = Blade
- Sky + Fire = Sun
- Sky + Life = Bird
- Sky + Egg = Bird
- Sand + Fire = Glass
- Sand + Sand = Desert
- Sand + Egg = Turtle
- Sand + Glass = Time and Hourglass
- Isle + Isle = Archipelago
- Swamp + Life = Bacteria
- Swamp + Egg = Lizard
- Swamp + Lizard = Alligator
- Clay + Fire = Pottery and Brick
- Clay + Life = Golem
- Life + Water = Plankton
- Life + Earth = Human
- Coal + Metal = Steel
- Coal + Time = Diamond
- Gunpowder + Fire = Explosion
- Gunpowder + Metal = Bullet
- Grass + Blade = Scythe
- Grass + Scythe = Hay
- Metal + Air = Rust
- Metal + Steam = Boiler
- Metal + Energy = Electricity
- Metal + Bird = Airplane
- Metal + Blade = Sword
- Metal + Glass = Glasses
- Metal + Human = Tool
- Metal + Explosion = Grenade
- Metal + Bullet = Gun
- Metal + Electricity = Wire
- Metal + Tool = Armor
- Egg + Water = Hard Roe
- Egg + Fire = Omlette
- Egg + Air = Bird
- Blade + Gun = Bayonet
- Sun + Sea = Salt
- Sun + Mud = Brick
- Sun + Rain = Rainbow
- Sun + Plant = Sunflower
- Sun + Time = Day
- Sun + Tool = Solar Cell
- Sun + Solar Cell = Electricity
- Bird + Water = Duck
- Bird + Fire = Phoenix
- Bird + Human = Angel
- Glass + Water = Aquarium
- Glass + Plant = Greenhouse
- Glass + Electricity = Light Bulb
- Time + Rain = Flood
- Time + Plant = Tree
- Time + Coal = Diamond
- Time + Lizard = Dinosaur
- Time + Electricity = Clock
- Time + Hard Roe = Fish
- Lizard + Fire = Dragon
- Human + Fire = Fireman
- Human + Rain = Cold and Sickness
- Human + Brick = House
- Human + Dust = Allergy
- Human + Plant = Farmer
- Human + Blade = Blood
- Human + Human = Sex
- Human + Electricity = Electrician
- Human + Sword = Warrior
- Human + Glasses = Nerd
- Human + Tool = Engineer
- Human + Gun = Corpse
- Human + Armor = Knight
- Human + Hard Roe = Caviar
- Human + Sickness = Sickness and Sickness
- Human + House = Family
- Steel + Blade = Sword
- Explosion + Energy = Atom Bomb
- Explosion + Sky = Fireworks
- Tool + Earth = Field
- Tool + Tree = Wood
- Tool + Wood = Wheel
- Tool + Boiler = Steam Engine
- Wood + Pressure = Paper
- Wood + Fire = Charcoal, Smoke, and Campire
- Wood + Tobacco = Pipe
- Wood + Water = Boat
- Wood + Wheel = Cart
- Wood + Corpse = Coffin
- Wood + Wind = Flute
- Wheel + Wheel = Bicycle
- Wheel + Metal = Car
- Coffin + Earth = Grave
- Grave + Grave = Graveyard
- Grave + Stone = Gravestone
- Corpse + Life = Zombie
- Zombie + Electricity = Frankenstein
- Life + Forest = Wild Animal
- Wild Animal + Wire = Snake
- Wild Animal + Human = Livestock and Dog
- Wild Animal + Wood = Beaver
- Cold + Water = Ice
- Cold + Rain = Snow
- Ice + Rain = Hail
- Ice + Mountain = Iceberg
- Ice + Wild Animal = Penguin
- Snow + Desert = Antartica
- Snow + Storm = Blizzard
- Snow + Human = Snowman
- Paper + Paper = Newspaper
- Blade + Wood = Axe
- Tree + Tree = Forest
- Farmer + Field = Wheat
- Farmer + Tree = Fruit
- Farmer + Life = Livestock
- Livestock + Grass = Cow
- Livestock + House = Barn
- Livestock + Bird = Chicken
- Livestock + Hay = Horse
- Livestock + Mud = Pig
- Cow + Tool = Meat
- Cow + Farmer = Milk
- Fruit + Time = Alcohol
- Fruit + Tree = Fruit Tree
- Fruit Tree + Fruit Tree = Orchard
- Water + Pipe = Water Pipe
- Wheat + Stone = Flour
- Flour + Water = Dough
- Dough + Fire = Bread
- Fire + Bread = Toast
- Milk + Time = Cheese
- Cheese + Sky = Moon
- Moon + Human = Astronaut
- Moon + Time = Night
- Night + Day = Twilight
- Moon + Sea = Tides
- Night + Bird = Owl
- Moon + Sun = Eclipse
- Night + Sky = Star
- House + Sickness = Hospital
- Human + Hospital = Doctor
- House + Bird = Birdhouse
- House + Wind = Windmill
- Clock + Sun = Sundial
- Clock + Bird = Cuckoo
- Tree + Light bulb = Christmas Tree
- Tree + Isle = Palm
- Human + Meat = Butcher
- Human + Axe = Lumberjack
- Human + Bicycle = Cyclist
- Knight + Dragon = Hero
- Boat + Steam Engine = Steam Boat
- Boat + Wind = Sailboat
- Steam Engine + Steel = Train
- Rainbow + Rainbow = Double Rainbow
- Rain + Smoke = Acid Rain
- Milk + Ice = Ice Cream
- Bread + Cheese = Sandwich
- Dough + Fruit = Cookie
- Meat + Smoke = Ham
- Sunflower + Pressure = Oil
- Fish + Electricity = Electric Eel
- Horse + Cart = Wagon
- Campfire + House = Fireplace
- Axe + Electricity = Chainsaw
- Sea + Sickness = Seasickness
- Light Bulb + Electricity = Light
Little Alchemy is one of the simplest and most addicting games out there — you just need to add two ‘elements’ together to create a third. But with 560 possible elements, Little Alchemy gets trickier the further you get. Luckily, we’ve got all the Little Alchemy cheats and tips you could need, including the full Little Alchemy list of answers.
Some Little Alchemy combinations are pretty easy to figure out. For example, if you combine two of your four original basic elements, fire and water, you’ll get steam. Finding out how to create a story in Little Alchemy? A tougher task. Little Alchemy will keep you occupied for longer than you may originally think, especially if you don’t take advantage of any Little Alchemy cheats.
If you’re looking for a full Little Alchemy cheat sheet, you’re covered with our Little Alchemy list, found below. Whether you’re just stuck on finding one key element, like life, or you want a few big hints, you’ll find your needed Little Alchemy guide here.
Little Alchemy Cheats From The Beginning Game Free
Remember that most Little Alchemy combinations are fairly logical. If you know of a basic item in life, try to think of the two things that make it up. What’s on a beach? Water and sand, and that’s how you’ll make a beach in Little Alchemy. Some of the Little Alchemy cheats may be tougher than you think — to make something like Life, an essential building block of the game, you’ll need to make a few other Little Alchemy combos first.
Check out our Little Alchemy cheats and tips if you get stuck while playing.
Little Alchemy Cheats Contents
Little Alchemy Cheat Sheet A To Z
Element | Mixture |
Acid Rain | Rain and Smoke |
Air | Original Element |
Airplane | Metal and Bird |
Alarm Clock | Sound and Clock |
Alcohol | Time and Fruit |
Algae | Water and Plant |
Alien | Space and Life |
Allergy | Dust and Human |
Alligator | Swamp and Lizard |
Alpaca | Mountain and Sheep |
Ambulance | Hospital and Car |
Angel | Bird and Human |
Angler | Human and Fishing Rod |
Ant | Grass and Wild Animal, Sugar and Wild Animal |
Antarctica | Desert and Snow |
Aquarium | Water and Glass |
Archipelago | Isle and Isle |
Armadillo | Wild Animal and Armor |
Armor | Metal and Tool |
Ash | Energy and Volcano |
Astronaut | Human and Moon |
Astronaut Icecream | Astronaut and Ice Cream |
Aurora | Antarctica and Sun, Antarctica and Sky, Antarctica and Atmosphere |
Atmosphere | Air and Pressure |
Atomic Bomb | Energy and Explosion |
Atomic Fireballs | Atomic Bomb and Fire |
Avalanche | Energy and Snow |
Axe | Blade and Wood |
Bacon | Fire and Pig |
Bacteria | Swamp and Life |
Baker | Human and Bread |
Bakery | House and Baker |
Banana | Monkey and Fruit |
Banana Bread | Bread and Banana |
Bandage | Blood and Fabric |
Bank | House and Gold, House and Money |
Barn | House and Livestock |
Bat | Sky and Mouse |
Batman | Bat and Human |
Batter | Flour and Milk |
Bayonet | Blade and Gun |
BBQ | Campfire and Meat, Garden |
Beach | Water and Sand |
Beaver | Wild Animal and Wood |
Bee | Flour and Wild Animal |
Beehive | House and Bee |
Beer | Alcohol and Wheat |
Bicycle | Wheel and Wheel |
Bird | Sky and Egg |
Birdhouse | Bird and House |
Black Hole | Star and Pressure |
Blade | Stone and Metal |
Blender | Blade and Glass, Blade and Electricity |
Blizzard | Snow and Wind |
Blood | Human and Blade |
Boat | Water and Wood |
Boiler | Metal and Steam |
Bone | Time and Corpse |
Bonsai Tree | Pottery and Tree, Scissors and Tree |
Book | Paper and Wood |
Bread | Fire and Dough |
Brick | Fire and Mud |
Bridge | River and Wood |
Broom | Wood and Hay |
Bullet | Gunpowder and Metal |
Bulletproof Vest | Armor and Bullet |
Bus | Car and Car |
Butcher | Human and Meat |
Butter | Milk and Pressure |
Butterfly | Flower and Wild Animal |
Cactus | Plant and Sand |
Cadbury Eggs | Chocolate and Egg |
Cake | Dough and Candle |
Camel | Desert and Wild Animal |
Campfire | Fire and Wood |
Candle | Fire and Wax |
Candy Cane | Sugar and Christmas Tree |
Cannon | Gunpowder and Pirate Ship, Castle |
Car | Metal and Wheel |
Caramel | Fire and Sugar |
Caramelo | Chocolate and Caramel |
Caramel Apple | Orchard and Caramel |
Carbon Dioxide | Human and Oxygen |
Carrot | Snowman and Vegetable, Sun and Snowman |
Cart | Wood and Wheel |
Cashmere | Mountain Goat and Fabric, Scissors and Thread, Tool and Wool |
Castle | Knight and House |
Cat | Wild Animal and Milk |
Catnip | Cat and Plant |
Cauldron | Witch and Metal, Witch and Steel, Witch and Campfire, Witch and Fireplace |
Caviar | Human and Hard Roe |
Centaur | Human and Horse |
Cereal | Milk and Wheat |
Chain | Metal and Rope, Steel and Rope |
Chainsaw | Electricity and Axe |
Chameleon | Rainbow and Lizard |
Charcoal | Fire and Wood |
Cheese | Time and Milk |
Cheeseburger | Hamburger and Cheese |
Chicken | Bird and Livestock |
Chicken Soup | Chicken and Water |
Chicken Wing | Chicken and Bone |
Chimney | House and Fireplace |
Chocolate | Willy Wonka and River |
Chocolate Milk | Chocolate and Milk |
Christmas Stocking | Fireplace and Wool |
Christmas Tree | Light bulb and Tree |
Cigarette | Paper and Tobacco |
City | Village and Village |
Clay | Mud and Sand |
Clock | Electricity and Time |
Cloud | Air and Steam |
Coal | Plant and Pressure |
Coconut | Palm and Fruit |
Coconut Milk | Coconut and Tool |
Coffin | Wood and Corpse |
Cold | Rain and Human |
Computer | Nerd and Tool |
Computer Mouse | Computer and Mouse |
Confetti | Paper and Blade, Scissors |
Constellation | Star and Star |
Cookie | Sugar and Dough |
Cookie Dough | Cookie and Dough |
Corpse | Human and Gun |
Cotton | Cloud and Plant |
Cotton Candy | Sugar and Electricity |
Cow | Livestock and Grass |
Crayon | Rainbow and Wax, Rainbow and Pencil |
Crow | Bird and Scarecrow, Field |
Crystal Ball | Glass and Witch |
Cuckoo | Clock and Bird |
Cyborg | Human and Robot |
Cyclist | Human and Bicycle |
Darth Vader | Jedi and Fire |
Day | Sun and Time |
Desert | Sand and Sand |
Dew | Grass and Fog |
Diamond | Coal and Pressure |
Dinosaur | Time and Lizard |
Doctor | Hospital and Human |
Dog | Wild Animal and Human |
Doge | Dog and Internet, Dog and Computer |
Doghouse | Dog and House |
Don Quixote | Windmill and Knight |
Donut | Dough and Oil |
Double Rainbow! | Rainbow and Rainbow |
Dough | Water and Flour |
Dragon | Fire and Lizard |
Drone | Airplane and Robot |
Drum | Leather and Wood |
Drunk | Human and Alcohol |
Dry Ice | Carbon Dioxide and Cold |
Duck | Water and Bird |
Dune | Beach and Wind |
Dust | Earth and Air |
Dynamite | Wire and Gunpowder |
Eagle | Mountain and Bird |
Earth | Original Element |
Earthquake | Energy and Earth |
Eclipse | Sun and Moon |
Egg | Stone and Life |
Egg Timer | Egg and Clock |
Electric Car | Electricity and Car |
Electric Eel | Electricity and Fish |
Electrician | Electricity and Human |
Electricity | Energy and Metal |
Letter and Computer | |
Energy | Fire and Air |
Engineer | Human and Tool |
Eruption | Energy and Volcano |
Explosion | Fire and Gunpowder |
Excalibur | Stone and Sword |
Fabric | Thread and Tool |
Fairy Tale | Story and Monarch, Story and Castle, Story and Knight, Story and Dragon |
Family | Human and House |
Family Tree | Family and Tree |
Farm | Farmer and House, Barn |
Farmer | Human and Field |
Faun | Human and Goat |
Fence | Wood and Wall |
Field | Earth and Tool |
Fire | Original Element |
Fire Extinguisher | Fire and Carbon Dioxide, Fire and Pressure, Fire and Metal |
Fireman | Fire and Human |
Fireplace | Campfire and House |
Firetruck | Fireman and Car |
Fireworks | Sky and Explosion |
Fish | Time and Hard Roe |
Fishing Rod | Fish and Tool, Wood |
Flamethrower | Fire and Gun |
Flashlight | Tool and Light |
Flood | Rain and Rain |
Flour | Stone and Wheat |
Flower | Plant and Garden |
Flute | Wind and Wood |
Flying Fish | Bird and Fish |
Flying Squirrel | Bird and Squirrel |
Fog | Cloud and Earth |
Forest | Tree and Tree |
Fortune Cookie | Cookie and Paper |
Fossil | Dinosaur and Earth |
Fountain | Statue and Water |
Fox | Chicken and Wild Animal |
Frankenstein | Electricity and Corpse |
French Fries | Oil and Vegetable |
Fridge | Metal and Cold |
Frog | Wild Animal and Pond |
Frozen Yogurt | Cold and Yogurt |
Fruit | Tree and Farmer |
Fruit Tree | Fruit and Tree |
Fun Dip | Sugar and Sand |
Galaxy | Star and Star |
Garden | Plant and Grass |
Gardener | Garden and Human |
Geyser | Earth and Steam |
Ghost | Graveyard and Night |
Gift | Santa and Chimney |
Gingerbread House | House and Dough, House and Gingerbread Man |
Gingerbread Man | Dough and Life |
Glacier | Ice and Mountain |
Glass | Electricity and Sand |
Glasses | Glass and Metal |
Glasshouse | Plant and Glass |
Goat | Livestock and Mountain |
Godzilla | Dinosaur and City |
Gold | Sun and Metal |
Goldfish | Fish and Cheese |
Gnome | Garden and Statue |
Golem | Life and Clay |
Granite | Lava and Pressure |
Grass | Earth and Plant |
Grave | Earth and Corpse |
Gravestone | Stone and Grave |
Graveyard | Grave and Grave |
Green House | Plant and Glass |
Grenade | Explosion and Metal |
Grilled Cheese | Cheese and Toast |
Grim Reaper | Scythe and Human |
Guiness Float | Beer and Ice Cream |
Gun | Metal and Bullet |
Gunpowder | Fire and Dust |
Hail | Cloud and Ice |
Ham | Meat and Smoke |
Hamburger | Meat and Bread |
Hammer | Metal and Wood |
Hamster | Wheel and Mouse |
Hard Roe | Water and Egg |
Harp | Angel and Music |
Hay | Scythe and Grass |
Hay Bale | Hay and Hay |
Hedge | Leaf and Fence, Plant and Fence |
Helicopter | Airplane and Blade |
Hero | Dragon and Knight |
Hippo | Horse and River |
Honey | Bee and Flower |
Horizon | Sky and Ocean |
Horse | Hay and Livestock |
Horseshoe | Horse and Metal |
Hospital | Sickness and House |
Hourglass | Sand and Glass |
House | Brick and Human |
Human | Earth and Life |
Hummingbird | Flower and Bird |
Hurricane | Energy and Wind |
Husky | Snow and Dog, Ice and Dog |
Ice | Water and Cold |
Ice Cream | Cold and Milk |
Ice Cream Truck | Ice Cream and Car |
Iceberg | Sea and Ice |
Iced Tea | Ice and Tea |
Idea | Light Bulb and Human |
Igloo | Ice and House |
Internet | Computer and Computer |
Isle | Volcano and Ocean |
Ivy | Plant and Wall |
Jack-O-Lantern | Fire and Pumpkin |
Jam | Fruit and Sugar |
Jedi | Lightsaber and Human |
Jerky | Meat and Sun, Meat and Salt |
Juice | Pressure and Fruit |
Juicy Fruit | Juice and Fruit |
Keyboard Cat | Cat and Music |
King | Human and Castle, Excalibur |
Kite | Paper and Wind |
Knight | Armor and Human |
Lake | Water and Pond, River and Dam |
Lamp | Light bulb and Metal |
Lasso | Horse, Cow and Rope |
Lawn Mower | Tool and Grass |
Lava | Fire and Earth |
Lava Lamp | Lava and Lamp |
Leaf | Tree and Wind |
Leather | Blade and Cow |
Lemonade | Water and Fruit |
Letter | Paper and Pencil |
Life | Energy and Swamp |
Light | Electricity and Light bulb |
Light Bulb | Electricity and Glass |
Lighthouse | Light and Ocean |
Lightsaber | Energy and Sword |
Lion | Cat and Wild Animal |
Livestock | Life and Farmer |
Lizard | Swamp and Egg |
Log Cabin | Wood and House |
Love | Human and Human |
Lumberjack | Human and Axe |
Mac And Cheese | Cheese and Pasta |
Mailman | Letter and Human |
Manatee | Cow and Sea |
Map | Paper and Earth |
Mars | Rust and Planet |
Marshmallow | Sugar and Campfire |
Mayonnaise | Egg and Oil |
Meat | Tool and Cow |
Medusa | Human and Snake |
Mermaid | Human and Fish |
Metal | Fire and Stone |
Meteor | Atmosphere and Meteoroid |
Meteoroid | Stone and Space |
Microscope | Bacteria and Glasses, Bacteria and Glass |
Milk | Farmer and Cow |
Milk Shake | Milk and Ice Cream |
Milky Way | Milk and Space |
Minotaur | Cow and Human |
Mirror | Glass and Metal |
Mold | Bread and Time |
Money | Paper and Gold |
Monkey | Wild Animal and Tree |
Moon | Sky and Cheese |
Moss | Plant and Stone |
Moth | Butterfly and Night, Butterfly and Moon |
Motorcycle | Bicycle and Energy |
Mountain | Earthquake and Earth |
Mountain Goat | Mountain and Goat, Mountain Range and Goat |
Mountain Range | Mountain and Mountain |
Mounds | Chocolate and Coconut |
Mouse | Wild Animal and Cheese |
Mousetrap | Cheese and Wood |
Mud | Water and Earth |
Mummy | Pyramid and Corpse |
Music | Sound and Human |
Narwhal | Ocean and Unicorn |
Needle | Hay and Metal |
Nerd | Glasses and Human |
Nerds | Sugar and Nerd |
Nessie | Story and Lake |
Nest | Bird and Tree |
Newspaper | Paper and Paper |
Night | Time and Moon |
Ninja | Human and Shuriken |
Ninja Turtle | Turtle and Ninja |
Oasis | Water and Desert |
Obsidian | Water and Lava |
Ocean | Water and Sea |
Oil | Sunflower and Pressure |
Omelette | Fire and Egg |
Optical Fiber | Wire and Light |
Orchard | Fruit Tree and Fruit Tree |
Origami | Bird and Paper |
Ostrich | Bird and Earth |
Owl | Night and Bird |
Oxygen | Sun and Plant |
Ozone | Oxygen and Oxygen |
Paint | Water and Rainbow, Water and Pencil |
Palm | Isle and Tree |
Paper | Wood and Pressure |
Paper Airplane | Paper and Airplane |
Parachute | Pilot and Umbrella, |
Parachute | Pilot and Fabric |
Parrot | Pirate and Bird |
Pasta | Egg and Flour |
Peacock | Bird and Rainbow |
Peeps | Sugar and Chicken |
Pegasus | Horse and Bird |
Pencil Sharpener | Blade and Pencil |
Perfume | Rose, Flower and Water, Alcohol, Steam |
Petroleum | Fossil and Pressure, Time |
Pencil | Charcoal and Wood |
Penguin | Ice and Bird |
Penicillin | Doctor and Mold |
Phoenix | Fire and Bird |
Picnic | Sandwich and Grass |
Pie | Dough and Fruit |
Pig | Mud and Livestock |
Piggy Bank | Pig and Pottery, Pig and Money |
Pigeon | Letter and Bird |
Pilot | Airplane and Human |
Pitchfork | Tool and Hay |
Pinocchio | Life and Wood |
Pipe | Wood and Tobacco |
Piranha | Pirate and Boat |
Pirate | Sword and Sailor |
Pirate Ship | Pirate and Boat |
Pizza | Cheese and Dough |
Planet | Earth and Space |
Plankton | Water and Life |
Plant | Rain and Earth |
Platypus | Duck and Beaver |
Pokki | Computer and Squirrel |
Pond | Water and Garden |
Pop Rocks | Stone and Explosion |
Popsicle | Ice and Juice |
Pottery | Fire and Clay |
Pressure | Earth and Earth |
Printer | Computer and Paper |
Prism | Glass and Rainbow |
Pterodactyl | Dinosaur and Bird, Dinosaur and Air |
Puddle | Snowman and Sun, Snowman and Flamethrower, Sunand Ice |
Pumpkin | Vegetable and Fire, Light |
Pyramid | Desert and Stone |
Quicksand | Sand and Swamp |
Rain | Water and Air |
Rainbow | Sun and Rain |
Rat | Wild Animal and Sailboat |
Recipe | Flour and Paper, Baker and Paper |
Red Vines | Sugar and Wire |
Reindeer | Santa and Wild Animal |
Ring | Diamond and Metal |
Ring Pop | Diamond and Sugar |
River | Water and Mountain |
Robot | Metal and Life |
Rocket | Airplane and Space |
Roller Coaster | Mountain and Cart, Mountain and Train |
Roomba | Robot and Vacuum Cleaner |
Rope | Thread and Thread |
Rose | Love and Plant |
Ruins | Time and Castle |
Ruler | Wood and Pencil |
Rust | Air and Metal |
RV | House and Car |
Saddle | Horse and Leather |
Safe | Gold, Money and Metal and Steel |
Safety Glasses | Glasses and Engineer, Glasses and Explosion |
Sailboat | Wind and Boat |
Sailor | Human and Boat |
Salt | Sun and Ocean |
Sand | Stone and Air |
Sand Castle | Sand and Castle |
Sandpaper | Sand and Paper |
Sandstone | Sand and Stone |
Sandstorm | Energy and Sand |
Sandwich | Bread and Ham |
Santa | Human and Christmas Tree |
Scalpel | Doctor and Blade |
Scarecrow | Human and Hay |
Scissors | Blade and Blade |
Scorpion | Wild Animal and Dune |
Scythe | Blade and Grass |
Sea | Water and Water |
Seagull | Beach and Bird |
Seahorse | Horse and Ocean |
Seal | Dog and Sea |
Seaplane | Sea and Plane |
Seasickness | Sickness and Sea |
Seaweed | Plant and Ocean |
Sewing Machine | Electricity and Needle, |
Sewing Machine | Robot and Needle |
Shark | Blood and Ocean |
Sheep | Cloud and Livestock |
Sheet Music | Music and Paper |
Shuriken | Star and Blade |
Sickness | Rain and Human |
Skateboard | Snowboard and Wheel |
Skeleton | Time and Corpse |
Ski Goggles | Snow and Glasses |
Skittles | Rainbow and Sugar |
Sky | Cloud and Air |
Skyscraper | Sky and House |
Sledge | Snow and Cart |
Sloth | Wild Animal and Time |
Smog | Fog and Smoke |
Smoke | Fire and Wood |
Smoke Signal | Fabric and Campfire, Fabric and Smoke |
Smoothie | Fruit and Blender |
Snake | Wire and Wild Animal |
Snow | Rain and Cold |
Snowball | Human and Snow |
Snowboard | Snow and Wood |
Snow Globe | Snow and Crystal Ball |
Snowman | Snow and Human |
Snowmobile | Cold and Car, Snow and Motorcycle |
Soap | Ash and Oil |
Soda | Juice and Carbon Dioxide, Water and Carbon Dioxide |
Solar Cell | Sun and Tool |
Solar System | Sun and Planet |
Sound | Wave and Air |
Space | Star and Sky |
Spaceship | Astronaut and Airplane |
Spider | Wild Animal and Thread |
SpaceStation | House and Space |
Sphinx | Human and Lion |
Sprinkles | Confetti and Sugar |
Squirrel | Mouse and Tree |
Star | Night and Sky |
Starburst | Rocket and Fruit |
Starfish | Star and Fish |
Statue | Stone and Tool |
Steak | Meat and BBQ |
Steam | Water and Fire |
Steam Engine | Boiler and Tool |
Steamboat | Water and Steam Engine |
Steel | Coal and Metal |
Steel Wool | Wire and Wool, Steel and Wool |
Stethoscope | Tool and Doctor |
Stone | Air and Lava |
Storm | Energy and Cloud |
Story | Human and Campfire |
Sugar | Energy and Juice |
Sun | Fire and Sky |
Sundial | Sun and Clock |
Sunflower | Sun and Plant |
Sunglasses | Sun and Glasses |
Super Nova | Star and Explosive |
Surfer | Wave and Human |
Sushi | Seaweed and Caviar |
Swamp | Mud and Plant |
Sweater | Wool and Tool |
Swedish Fish | Fish and Sugar |
Sweethearts | Love and Sugar |
Swim Goggles | Water and Glasses |
Swimmer | Human and Swim Goggles |
Sword | Metal and Blade |
Swordfish | Sword and Fish |
Tank | Car and Gun |
Taser | Gun and Electricity |
Tea | Water and Leaf |
Telescope | Sky and Glass |
Tent | Fabric and Wood, Fabric and House |
The One Ring | Volcano and Ring |
Thread | Cotton and Tool |
Tide | Moon and Sea |
Time | Sand and Glass |
Titanic | Steamboat and Iceberg |
Toast | Fire and Sandwich |
Tobacco | Fire and Plant |
Tool | Metal and Human |
Toucan | Bird and Rainbow |
Tractor | Car and Farmer, Car and Field |
Train | Steel and Steam Engine |
Treasure | Treasure Map and Pirate |
Treasure Map | Pirate and Map |
Tree | Plant and Time |
Treehouse | Tree and House |
Trojan Horse | Wood and Horse |
Tsunami | Earthquake and Ocean |
Tunnel | Engineer and Mountain |
Turtle | Sand and Egg |
Twilight | Day and Night |
Twix | Caramelo and Cookie |
Tyrannosaurus Rex | Meat and Dinosaur |
UFO | Alien and Airplane |
Umbrella | Rain and Tool |
Unicorn | Double Rainbow! and Life |
Vacuum Cleaner | Electricity and Broom |
Vampire | Blood and Human |
Vase | Plant and Pottery |
Vegetable | Fruit and Field |
Village | House and House |
Volcano | Earth and Lava |
Vulture | Bird and Corpse |
Wagon | Horse and Cart |
Wall | Brick and Brick |
Wand | Wizard and Wood |
Warrior | Sword and Human |
Watch | Human and Clock |
Water | Original Element |
Waterfall | Mountain and River |
Water Gun | Water and Gun |
Water Lilly | Flower and Pond |
Water Pipe | Water and Pipe |
Wave | Wind and Sea |
Wax | Bee and Beehive |
Web | Spider and Thread |
Werewolf | Wolf and Human |
Wheat | Field and Farmer |
Wheel | Tool and Wood |
Wild Animal | Life and Forest |
Wild Boar | Pig and Wild Animal |
Willy Wonka | Engineer and Sugar |
Wind | Air and Pressure |
Wind Turbine | Windmill and Electricity |
Windmill | Wind and House |
Wine | Alcohol and Fruit |
Wire | Electricity and Metal |
Witch | Wizard and Broom |
Wizard | Human and Energy |
Wolf | Wild Animal and Moon |
Wood | Tree and Tool |
Woodpecker | Bird and Wood |
Wool | Sheep and Tool |
Wrapping Paper | Gift and Paper |
Yoda | Jedi and Swamp |
Yogurt | Bacteria and Milk |
Zombie | Life and Corpse |
Little Alchemy The Game
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