Warioland 3 Cheat To Skip Golf Mini Game

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Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3

Also known as: Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land (JP)
Developer: Nintendo R&D1
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Game Boy
Released in JP: January 21, 1994
Released in US: February 7, 1994
Released in EU: May 13, 1994

This game has unused areas.
This game has unused graphics.
This game has debugging material.
This game has a hidden level select.
This game has revisional differences.

This game has a prerelease article

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 is the first game in the Wario Land series and the last game in the Mario Land series.

Walkthrough - FAQ Walkthrough for Wario Land 4 Game Boy Advance: Wario Land Advance FAQ V 0.2 Last Updated: August 31, 2001 by ShdwRlm3 (shdwrlm3@yahoo.com)Table of Contents 1. FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 4. Least the mini-game in Wario Land II.both of them, were a lot less frustrating. Sadly I'll have to play this multiple times throughout the game, and it's gonna be excruciating. Smash your way to the bottom, walk right and play the golf mini-game. Then, before going beneath the 'Mini-Game Clear' block, be stung and float up to the right most chamber. Here, you obtain the key, then make your way back to the bottom, go beneath the 'Mini-Game Clear' block, float up the middle passage and move left to the Chest. 4th Golf Mini-Game course Get all 8 musical coins in every level in the game before you open time atack to get a 4th golf minigame course, which can be played between N world and W world once all 7 crayons are aquired.

  • 1Debug Modes
  • 2Unused Graphics
    • 2.3Level Tiles
      • 2.3.5Syrup Castle
  • 8Oddities
  • 9Revisional Differences

Debug Modes

Standard Debug Mode

A simple debug mode remains in the game, accessible by pressing Select 16 times while the game is paused. A blinking cursor should appear. Hold B and press Left/Right to move it. Press Up/Down to change the values of your number of lives, coins, hearts, and the timer.

Holding A + B and moving the cursor all the way to the left will highlight the Wario head; unpausing will change your current form (in the order of Small, Normal, Bull, Jet, Dragon).

(Note that pressing Select a 17th time will make the cursor disappear. However, if you press Select 256 times after the initial 16 presses, the cursor will appear again. This happens because memory address AC85, which stores the Select presses, loops after 256 presses.)


Hidden Debug Mode

A second debug mode is hidden in the game. To enable it, set memory address A8C7 to a non-zero value, or use Game Genie code 018-C75-E6A.

In the Course Intro screen a level select is enabled. The level ID is shown in the lower right corner.

Pressing Up/Down will cycle between all the valid level IDs; pressing A or Start enters the level. Note that the level will only be marked as completed if it is located in the same sub-map.

It's also possible to disable debug mode in this screen by pressing Select 10 times.

In a level, pressing Select while the game is not paused will change the current form in the same way the other debug mode does.

If the game is paused:

  • Pressing Select will activate a free-roaming mode instead. Use the D-Pad to move Wario around the level. Note that the game checks all the time if the debug mode variable is enabled or not, so disabling the debug mode during this immediately disables free-roaming mode.
  • Holding Down + B and pressing Start warps to the ending.
  • Pressing Select (16) while the game is paused brings up the other debug mode, with a single difference: highlighting the Wario head clears the level instead of switching between forms.
(Source: McHazard, Original TCRF research)

Unused Graphics


In the Course Intro, Time Over and Game Over screens the whole alphabet is present even though it isn't used in its entirety.

This also features Mario's head, a leftover from the status bar in Super Mario Land 2.

Alternate Block Tileset

Two generic blocks are unused. The first is an intermediary cracked block that probably would have appeared as Small Wario (you'd have to hit the block two more times to break it), while the second is an alternate version of the skull that appears above stage entrance doors.

Unused Block Tileset
Used Block Tileset

They were replaced in the main block tileset with the switch block graphics.

Level Tiles

Sand/Wood Tileset

Ladder tiles using Course 2's main tileset. Interestingly enough, the empty tile is not the one used everywhere else.

Stone Tileset

Even this spike with unique graphics didn't make the cut.

Ladder tiles very similar to the ones in Course 2, but with different graphics.

Sherbet Land


The frozen platform used in the Sherbet Land boss area has an extra row of tiles that aren't used. The final game opts to use waterline tiles instead, which helps explain how the penguin boss is getting those shell helmets. Shelmets.


Those tiles are loaded at the last part of Course 1 but never used.The last one seems to be a variant of the bottom part of the wooden boards seen on walls.

Parsley Woods

While these tiles are technically used, the lower half is always obscured by the status bar.

Syrup Castle

Syrup Castle has no spikes, but plenty of lava.

Final Boss

These tiles should have been put near the bed in the final boss' room, but they aren't.

The lower half of this block is obscured by the status bar. Again.

Unused Bobo Scene

A significant number of tiles relating to Bobo are unused. Note that Syrup Castle is in the background. This makes up a very odd and interesting scene.

  • Bobo never sits down.
  • The emblem on Bobo's chest is different. The normal emblem has no horns and looks more like a skull.
  • It's highly unlikely that Bobo even moved in this arena. The Bobo object actually moves around foreground tiles (a common trick that early Nintendo systems used) that compose the main Bobo body. Here, the background is far too complicated to have Bobo move around without severe graphical glitches.
  • The overall design of this room doesn't really match the S.S. Tea Cup. It's possible that the Bobo fight was meant for Parsley Woods.

Map Screen

The majority of these are alternate versions of existing tiles.

The placement of these tiles in VRAM shows that the area near Mt. Teapot used to be slightly different. Full (Mockup)
The Stove Canyon in the overworld was supposed to show actual fire at some point rather than just looking like a hole in the ground.

Unfortunately the two tiles don't quite fit properly. Either the Stove Canyon in the overworld used to look different, or other related tiles were overwritten at some point in development.

Parts of trees, meant to be displayed very close to the Parsley Woods' lake.
Miscellanous cliff border tiles. Horizontally or vertically flipped versions are used though.
Rice Beach
Various unused sand border tiles.
None of the cliffs in Rice Beach are high enough to make use of these tiles, unlike in SS Tea Cup.

However, the SS Tea Cup tilemap uses different graphics for them.

Speaking of cliffs, grass only appears on the right side of a cliff in-game.
Apparently Wario's path used to go near rocks. It would have been likely used for the path to Course 6.
Miscellanous unused tiles which have a completely unique design.
Mt. Teapot
The leftmost tile of the water splash goes unused, likely by mistake as the water tile used instead creates minor cutoff.

Considering how clearing the first course in Mt. Teapot places a level dot over the tile's supposed position, it doesn't really amount to much.

The rightmost tile of the small hills' water reflection is always obscured in the tilemap.

How a hill would look if used properly:

Another tile for those hills. A very similar tile to this is used in-game, but it doesn't include any kind of shading.
Dots are already present over these tiles when Mt. Teapot's lid crashes down. Tiles without the dots still exist though. Mockup
Sherbet Land
As usual, some of the map dots go unused. Of particular interest is the last one, since the water surface actually hides dots on the map.
A chunk of the iceberg.
No flat surfaces for the iceberg.
An horizontally flipped variation of the underwater ice spikes.
Stove Canyon
Various unused map tiles.
  • The first one is an alternate small platform in the style of the bigger ones.
  • The second is a less detailed ground tile.
  • The other tiles are for dots on the map. Interestingly, the first one is set on a pitch black background; as the black parts of the submap hide dots.
No thin platforms are high enough to use these tiles. A mockup of how they would look:
SS Tea Cup
A whopping total of six unused border pieces linger in this tileset.
Likely meant to show up after emptying the lake at Parsley Woods, but nothing changes in this submap; only the overworld displays it.

A part of the SS Tea Cup is always covered by the boss marker (or Wario marker after beating the boss).

Parsley Woods
Various tiles related to the Parsley Woods lake go unused. Some have similar variants which are used.
Should have been used when the top of a tree is close to the bottom of another tree.

The horizontally flipped variation is used.

More rails hidden behind trees. Other similar tiles are used.
Most likely meant to appear for trees placed next to the lake, but there are only rocks in the nearby area.
A single unused tile for the lake's surface. What a travesty.
A hole in... something. Purpose unknown. Located in VRAM between the lake bridge and train rails graphics.
Syrup Castle
No levels have alternate exits in this submap.

It would have been nice if it were the case, since Stove Canyon is the last map to have those.

A level dot goes over the only position this could have been used.
No trees are placed high enough to make use of these tiles.
None are placed next to the right of the castle either.

After destroying the first layer of walls, the map gains a few misplaced and/or unused tiles.Notice the top of the castle walls and the spots where dots appear.

These statue tiles aren't shown since dots are already placed on their position by the time Course 39 is cleared.

Coin Mini-Game


An alternate variation of the round counter. Possibly changed because dark green on a slightly lighter shade of green might have been too difficult to read.

Object Graphics

Turns out that the Wanderin' Goom may have had an attack at one point! This spitting graphic and projectile are all that remains.

Wario Land 3 Cheat To Skip Golf Mini Games

A little boat that would have appeared in one of the areas in the world map, probably Rice Beach. Wario has serious arm strength.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Seems like the Stove Canyon boss Funfun was going to eat Wario at one point, since he has graphics for moving his tongue and Wario dying as a result.

The ghost boss in Parsley Woods also has graphics for throwing coins, not just spawning them out of thin air. There's an animation showing how they would have worked.

Wario Land 3 Cheat To Skip Golf Mini Game To Play

(Source: ShyGuyXXL (More unused WL1:SML3 sprites))

A pointing gloved hand is loaded in the Treasure Room, stored right next to the sprite for the coin pointer.

Unused 16x16 Blocks

To do:
This game has a lot of unused blocks. They are perfectly valid even though most display as gibberish (possible leftovers from other tilesets).

The generic block isn't used here.

Platforms that can be jumped through are also completely absent.

Upside-Down Wario

The subroutine which handles the drawing of Wario's gameplay sprite has code to check if bit 6 of the address containing the sprite flags (0xA916) is set. Outside of glitch rooms, this bit is never set in-game.

If it is, the sprite is properly drawn upside down... but nothing else changes, leading to a plethora of visual oddities.

Unused 'W' Flag (Syrup Castle)

Using the Debug Mode, it's possible to display a 'W' flag on top of Syrup Castle, which is normally not possible since the game doesn't save after you beat this level (it's the final level in the game).

Alternatively, the last bit of the value at A814 can be set, which displays the clear flag for Syrup Castle.

(Source: Dark Linkaël)

Unused Map Location

To do:
This part should be moved to a bugs page since you can get here by holding B while the overworld loads after moving to the left of Course 8. (This location is internally used to determine the entry path in the Mt. Teapot submap; you aren't supposed to get here normally.)

The value at A79F specifies where on the Kitchen Island map Wario is currently placed. While values 0 to 6 map from Rice Beach to Syrup Castle respectively, value 7 specifies the start of the bridge to Sherbet Land, behind Mt. Teapot. This results in layering errors if the teapot's lid is still hovering over the mountain.

This location contains a valid left-arrow moving the player to Sherbet Land (passing over the bridge). If this location is entered by pressing A, Wario enters Mt. Teapot from the left, the secret exit to Sherbet Land.

All values above 7 map to invalid locations, having no arrows to move elsewhere, showing repeated parts of the map, and/or placing Wario in an offscreen position. In these cases, pressing A does nothing.

Save Data Error

Every time the game is started, there is a check to make sure the save game data is not corrupted. If at least one file is corrupted (almost impossible to do on real hardware since each save game is stored twice and both have to be corrupted), the game displays the message at right and automatically clears the affected pipe(s).

To see this message, change the value at A0C0 (the checksum for the first pipe) to anything and restart the game.

(Source: Original TCRF research)


Inaccessible Blocks

After draining water from Course 31, some of the heart blocks become inaccessible. To stop Wario from hitting them, programmers put in four invisible blocks, but they're also impossible to hit.

Parsley Woods' Name

The 'patch' tilemap with the empty lake also contains an incorrect copy of the zone's name.

BeforePatch tilemapAfter

In other words, after emptying the lake the zone's name changes.

Wario Land 3 Cheat To Skip Golf Mini Game Play

Revisional Differences

Virtual Console Changes

The original Game Boy version had a glitch that made it possible to skip certain levels or worlds on the map screen. The 3DS Virtual Console version fixes this glitch so that it is no longer possible to perform.

The Wario series
NESWario's Woods
SNESMario & Wario • Wario's Woods
Game Boy (Color)Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 • Wario Land II • Wario Land 3 • Wario Blast: Featuring Bomberman!
Game Boy AdvanceWario Land 4
GameCubeWario World
Nintendo DSWario: Master of Disguise‎
WiiWario Land: Shake It!
Game Boy AdvanceWarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$! (Demo) • WarioWare: Twisted!
GameCubeWarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$!
Nintendo DSWarioWare: Touched! (Demo) • WarioWare: D.I.Y.
Nintendo DSiPaper Plane • Pyoro
WiiWarioWare: Smooth Moves
Wii UGame & Wario
Nintendo 3DSWarioWare Gold
The Mario series
NES/FDSSuper Mario Bros. • Super Mario Bros. 2 (FDS) • Super Mario Bros. 2 (NES) (Prototype; Doki Doki Panic) • Super Mario Bros. 3
SNESSuper Mario World • Super Mario All-Stars • Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (Prototypes)
SatellaviewBS Super Mario USA • BS Super Mario Collection
Nintendo 64Super Mario 64 (64DD Version)
GameCubeSuper Mario Sunshine (Demo)
WiiSuper Mario Galaxy • Super Mario Galaxy 2 • New Super Mario Bros. Wii • Super Mario All-Stars: 25th Anniversary Edition
Wii UNew Super Mario Bros. U • New Super Luigi U • Super Mario 3D World • Super Mario Maker
Game Boy (Color)Super Mario Land • Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins • Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 • Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
Game Boy AdvanceSuper Mario Advance • Super Mario Advance 2 • Super Mario Advance 3 • Super Mario Advance 4
Nintendo DSNew Super Mario Bros. • Super Mario 64 DS
Nintendo 3DSSuper Mario 3D Land (Demo) • New Super Mario Bros. 2 • Super Mario Maker for Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo SwitchSuper Mario Odyssey • New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe • Super Mario Maker 2 • Super Mario 3D All-Stars
iOS/AndroidSuper Mario Run
Mario Kart
Console GamesSuper Mario Kart (Prototypes) • Mario Kart 64 • Mario Kart: Double Dash!! (Demos) • Mario Kart Wii (Channel) • Mario Kart 8 (Deluxe)
Handheld GamesMario Kart: Super Circuit • Mario Kart DS (Demos) • Mario Kart 7
Arcade GamesMario Kart Arcade GP • Mario Kart Arcade GP 2 • Mario Kart Arcade GP DX
Mario RPGs
Super Mario RPGLegend of the Seven Stars
Paper MarioPaper Mario • The Thousand-Year Door (Paper Mario 2 Demo) • Super Paper Mario • Sticker Star • Color Splash • The Origami King
Mario & LuigiSuperstar Saga (+ Bowser's Minions) • Partners in Time • Bowser's Inside Story (+ Bowser Jr.'s Journey) • Dream Team • Paper Jam
Mario Party
Console GamesMario Party • Mario Party 2 • Mario Party 3 • Mario Party 4 (Demo) • Mario Party 5 (Demo) • Mario Party 6 (Demo) • Mario Party 7 • Mario Party 8 • Mario Party 9 • Mario Party 10 • Super Mario Party
Handheld GamesMario Party Advance • Mario Party DS
Mario Sports
Console GamesBS Excitebike Bunbun Mario Battle Stadium • Mario Golf • Mario Tennis • Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour • Mario Power Tennis • Mario Superstar Baseball (Mario Baseball Demo) • Super Mario Strikers (Demo) • Mario Strikers Charged • Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Beijing 2008, London 2012) • Mario Sports Mix • Mario Tennis Aces
Handheld GamesMario's Tennis (Virtual Boy) • Mario Golf • Mario Tennis (GBC) • Mario Tennis: Power Tour • Mario Golf: Advance Tour • Mobile Golf • Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (Beijing 2008)
Web GamesMario Tennis: Power Tour - Bicep Pump
Arcade GamesDonkey Kong • Donkey Kong Jr. • Mario Bros. • Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Mario Bros. • Mario Roulette • Luigi's Mansion Arcade
Computer GamesDonkey Kong (Atari 8-bit family) • Mario is Missing! (DOS) • Mario Teaches Typing (DOS) • Mario's Early Years (DOS) • Mario's Game Gallery (Mac OS Classic)
Console GamesDonkey Kong (NES) • Donkey Kong Jr. (NES) • Mario Bros. (NES) • Wrecking Crew • Dr. Mario (NES) (Prototypes) • Mario Paint (Prototype) • Mario & Wario • Tetris & Dr. Mario • Undake 30: Same Game Mario Version • Mario's Super Picross • Wrecking Crew '98 • Mario is Missing! (NES, SNES) • Mario's Time Machine (NES, SNES) • Mario's Early Years: Fun With Letters • Yoshi's Safari • Hotel Mario • Super Mario's Wacky Worlds • Mario no Photopi • Mario Artist Paint Studio (Prototype) • Mario Artist Talent Studio • Mario Artist Communication Kit • Dr. Mario 64 • Luigi's Mansion • Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix • Fortune Street • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Wii U, Switch) • Mini Mario & Friends amiibo Challenge • Dr. Luigi • Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle • Luigi's Mansion 3
Handheld GamesDr. Mario • Donkey Kong • Mario's Picross • Picross 2 • Jaguar Mishin Sashi Senyou Soft: Mario Family • Mario Pinball Land • Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Demo) • Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (Demo) • Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again! • Super Princess Peach • Dr. Mario & Puzzle League • Mario Bros. Classic • Luigi's Mansion (Nintendo 3DS) • Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon • Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Nintendo 3DS) • Photos with Mario • Dr. Mario World
Web GamesDr. Mario: Vitamin Toss
See also
Yoshi • Donkey Kong • Wario
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Strategy Guide
Wario land 3 cheat to skip golf mini game play
Game Shark Codes

Note: You must have a 2.1 or higher version of the Game Shark to use these codes in a Game Boy Color system.

Rapid Jump & Charge010093C0
Total Coins Modifier01??05CA
Musical Coin Modifier01??5CCA
Key Modifier01??5BCA
Quantity Digits to Accompany Key Modifier Code
01 - Gray Key
02 - Red Key
03 - Gray & Red Key
04 - Green Key
05 - Gray & Green Key
06 - Red & Green Key
07 - Gray Red & Green Key
08 - Blue Key
09 - Gray & Blue Key
0A - Red & Blue Key
0B - Gray, Red & Blue Key
0C - Green & Blue Key
0D - Gray, Green & Blue Key
0E - Red, Green & Blue Key
0F - All Keys