The Forest Game Add Rocks Cheat

  1. The Forest Game Add Rocks Cheat Codes
  2. The Forest Game Add Rocks Cheat Sheet
  3. The Forest Game Add Rocks Cheat Free

Survival games can be trying so use these The Forest cheats to ease things up if you're going back in. These various console commands and codes will change things on PS4 or PC in your favor. Right click on the game and select Properties. Select the Local Files tab in the window that opens and then select Browse Local Files. A Windows Explorer window will open. Open the following path: GHData/Resources; Create a folder called scripts. Inside the scripts folder, add another folder called Debug. In the Debug folder, right click. Spotlight - New Version CheatBook DataBase 2020: Cheatbook-Database 2020 is a freeware cheat code tracker that makes hints, Tricks, Tips and cheats (for PC, Walkthroughs, XBox, Playstation 1 and 2, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, Sega, Nintendo 64, Wii U, DVD, Game Boy Advance, iPhone, Game Boy Color, N-Gage, Nintendo DS, PSP, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox 360, Super Nintendo) easily accessible from.

Even though The Forest, a first-person open world survival title published to both PS4 and Windows back in May 2014, it is the Microsoft Windows version that has hang around for longer thanks to console commands and Cheat Engine hacks. Since the game is still in the alpha state, we can say that there’s still more to come and implementing cheats is easier since the developers don’t have the alpha encapsulated from our probing minds.

Your first option to cheating and hacking your way through The Forest after the plane crash is by using the developer console. The game lets you use the developer mode to change different values of virtually all items in the game.

Vegetarianmode: changes the font color to red. 'The Forest' is otherwise written using the default style (all-uppercase). Meatmode: resets the logo to the default (yellow and all-uppercase). Ironforest: adds or removes a yellow 'iron' above the 'Forest'. This is very useful if the player is new to the game, and wishes to explore the island. The following is a list of all supported games and cheats currently included in SAVE WIZARD FOR PS4. Don't forget, this list is updated as we add more games and cheats! Don't forget, Paypal will automatically convert these prices to your local currency if your account isn't US dollars or Euros. In The Forest, cheats are done in the form of console commands. There are hundreds of different commands and cheats available, changing many features of the game. Although there are also mods for The Forest which can be used to add cheat menus. There are cheats which regrow trees, make you invulnerable and remove enemy mutants.

The Forest Commands

There are commands in the game that you can type when in the main menu to create a certain effect. These are:

  • Vegetarianmode: Enemies only show during the night.
  • Meatmode: Makes all other cheats nonfunctional.
  • Ironforest: Buildings are indestructible. To disable, type code again.
  • Rawmeatmode: Implements permanent death. To disable, type code again.
  • Regrowmode: Ten percent of all fallen trees will regrow while you sleep.
  • Veganmode: All enemies disappear except for enemies in the caves.
  • Woodpaste: Resets the floor and roof holes in your saved game.

The Forest Console Commands

Most games with console commands make Cheat Engine and cheat table almost useless. This is why I am beginning with the developer console here.

To activate The Forest console, go to the main menu of the game and type developermodeon

You won’t see what you are typing so avoid any typos. To confirm you did it right, hit F1 and F2. F1 should bring up a tiny text box to the top-left edge of the screen while F2 should bring up a statistics display at the top center of the game if your developer console is active.

For now, any console commands you type will be invisible. To make The Forest console commands visible, hit F2 again to activate the log menu. This will show the commands you input

Top Forest Console Commands

Here are some handpicked The Forest Console commands for your enjoyment. Note that all commands that toggle something on or off are deactivated by following the command with off.


godmode on: turn on god mode

godmode off: turn off god mode

  • godmode on: Stamina, hunger, health, and thirst all stay 100%. Take no damage.
  • itemhack on: Items that you have in your inventory are now infinite.
  • fastrun on: Run incredibly fast.
  • Buildhack on: Infinite building supplies.
  • Loghack on: Carry and use infinite logs.
  • Enemies on: Turns on enemies normally.
  • Energyhack on: Turns on infinite energy.
  • Survival on: Turns on survival features.
  • Addallitems: Adds every item to your inventory.
  • addallstoryitems: Adds all story-related items.
  • Buildallghosts: Sets up construction blueprint for all buildings.
  • Setdifficultymode <difficulty>: Set difficulty in your game.
  • Spawnenemy <enemytype>: Spawns an enemy of specific type. Use list below for types:
    • fat
    • armsy
    • vags
    • male
    • female
    • male-skinny
    • female-skinny
    • pale
    • pale-skinny
    • baby
    • fireman
  • Spawnanimal: Spawns a specific animal (Found by user Vlad-00003)
    • rabbit
    • lizard
    • deer
    • turtle
    • tortoise
    • raccoon
    • squirrel
    • boar
    • crocodile
  • Toggleoverlay: Toggles the overlay of the console and log.
  • Reporterrorsnow: Report errors.
  • Killallenemies: Kills all enemies.
  • Killclosestenemy: Kills closest enemy.
  • Killlocalplayer: Kill local player.
  • Clear: Clears the log. Can be helpful when it becomes cluttered.
  • Resetallenemies: Will respawn major enemies as well as refreshing the world with new ones.
  • Revivelocalplayer: Any downed players will be revived instantly.
  • Removeitem <item>: Removes item from your inventory.
  • Invisible on: Makes the player invisible.
  • Invisible off: Turns off invisibilty.
  • Poison: Poisons the player.
  • Animals on: Generates natural animals like any other game mode.
  • Animals off: Turns off animals entirely.
  • Advanceday: Shifts the time to the following day.
  • Plantallgardens: Completely fills gardens with plants.
  • Forcerain: Forces a rainy weather condition.
  • Growalldirtpiles: Refreshes previously used dirt piles as well as creates new ones.
  • Hitlocalplayer: Damages local player.
  • Knockdownclosestenemy: Knocks down the closest enemy to the player.

If the Console Commands are not enough for you, the following cheat tables will definitely suffice. If it is your first time using Cheat Engine, you can use my introductory guide to download Cheat Engine and learn how to load a game and the corresponding cheat table.

The Forest v0.65 64 Bit Cheat Table

This Cheat Table will work flawlessly with CE 6.7 and above. Some of the features to expect from the cheat table include:

  • Infinite items
  • Easy build
  • Infinite logs
  • Infinite health
  • Infinite stamina
  • No thirst or hunger
  • Speed and star
  • Control time of day (0: noon, 90: dusk, 180: midnight, 270: dawn)

You can download it here

PC Cheats

Type developermodeon in the main menu and press F1 to see if it works. You will see a box at the top of the screen right near what writes the forest. Then make a new game and go into a world. Skip the intro if you want. Press F1 while in the game. There. You done it. Now there will be a list of commands ill provide you.

  • buildermode on/off – Turns off survival and enemies and enables godmode and buildhack.
  • cavelight on/off – Makes daylight from outside appear from the cave.
  • faststart on/off – Skips plane crash.
  • godmode on/off – Cannot die, unlimated stamina. and never get thirsty or hungry.
The Forest Game Add Rocks Cheat
  • buildhack on/off – Unlimited resources and quick building.
  • cancelallghosts – Removes every blueprint. (warning. this is very loud if you have alot).
  • buildallghosts – Builds all blueprints (warning. its also very loud if you have alot).
  • addallitems – Adds every item from the game but story items. do twice to fill stick bags and etc.
  • addallstoryitems – Adds story items such as key cards.
  • itemhack on/off – Never run out of items. must get items first.
  • survival on/off – No need to eat and drink etc.
  • save – Saves game where your standing.
  • speedyrun on/off – Run fast. but dont die from it.
  • invisible on/off – You can walk/run in water like air. no blood particles.
  • killallenemies – Kills canibals and mutants. they respawn though.
  • enemies on/off – Turns off enemies.
  • additem 77 – Adds live rabbit.
  • terrainrender on/off – Turns on and off terrain. when off it can still be walked on.
  • lightingtimeofdayoverride noon – Makes it noon until turned off.

The Forest Game Add Rocks Cheat Codes

  • forcerain heavy – Makes it rain. good for water collectors.
  • forcerain sunny – Makes it stop raining. good for bad storms.
  • cutdowntrees 10 – Cuts down 10 trees. you can choose any number.

The Forest Game Add Rocks Cheat Sheet

  • cutdowntrees 100% – Just like cutdowntrees 10. but its a percentage.
  • cutgrass 10 – Cuts grass in a 10 radius. can be a long time to load if a larger size is chosen.

The Forest Game Add Rocks Cheat Free

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